"In the years that I have read books in the self-improvement space I can't think of many that gave me the prompts to go as deep as Design the Man Within did.
To get the full effect of this book you must to do some serious deep work. If you're truly committed to self-growth you will find the strength to push through the difficulty of the exercises, which Johnny calls "The Work" at the end of each chapter.
This is not a book full of pithy quotes just to make you feel good. Johnny does have some fantastic quotes throughout the book, however, this book is meant to prompt you to dig in and figure out the man you were, the man you currently are, an envision the high caliber high impact man that you can be so you can show up as your best self for your family your community your employer and every other endeavor that you involve yourself in.
Johnny, thanks for sharing yourself brother, and leading us to dig in and be better men!”
- John Mollura
This Book Has Helped Men Begin Their Journey To The Best Version Of Themselves!
I was TIRED of seeing men's book written by men who had never been tested and tried, from men who have never grown from the blue collar lifestyle, from men who couldn't resonate with the everyday man.
Johnny helps the everyday man. The everyday man KNOWS life can be better but they need a place to start and are now given a book that can deliver that with practical exercises and insights that connect with where they are in life.
Wealth, relationships, and happiness all stem from one place and that is within. When we are given the tools to look and grow internally, our external world changes drastically!
Johnny has helped tons of men through Design The Man Within to begin their journey because it connects with them and opens the door to the internal things they are struggling with and the conversations all men are dealing with that holds them back from the life they desire!
The problem with waiting for things to get better without any action is that they will never change.
We all are running life on borrowed time. Life goes fast and thinking that we have time, is the biggest mistake we can make. We have the ability to give ourselves the life we dream of and Design the Man Within gives you the tools to make the most out of the time you have.
No one will do the work for you, you can't improve without new tools, where you are in life is based on your mindset in current experiences and its time to give yourself a new way of seeing the life you lead and what it can be. The journey begins NOW!
Are you happy with where you are or do you know something is missing? If so, doing the same old thing won't change you, action and tools will!
Johnny came from a blue collar life. From working as a mechanic and detailing private airplanes to being part of special operations and multiple combat tours, Johnny knows the life and mindset of real men in this world and Design the Man Within gives a voice and tools to take yourself out of the limitations given from these lifestyles and allows you to create a different life beginning with YOU!
About Johnny
What everyone is saying about
Design the man within
"Bought this for my boyfriend to slowly introduce him into the world of self development/help. He’s the kind of guy who says he would never go to therapy and thinks doing inner work is not “masculine” and a sign of weakness. He’s super supportive of my own journey, so I felt there was potential- he just needed the right “introduction”. I knew Johnny’s background and personality would really appeal to him, so I decided to give it a shot. A few mins into giving my boyfriend the book, he cracked it open and began reading it. I was shocked. He’s not much of a reader, so this is definitely a win!"
-Monique Piazza
"Wonderful book for men to enrich their lives and for women to understand men better. This book should be on everyone’s bookshelf." Highly recommended.
-Claude D.
"I love when people tell you they aren't readers and you find something just right for them! I bought Johnny's book for both my brother and for my boyfriend (and myself, let's be honest). Books can be incredible gateways for vulnerable conversation. Within a day of arrival, my brother already started reading it. Thank you for writing a book accessible for everyone who wants to learn more about themselves and being a role model for men!"
-Allen Chieco
“This book was a great and necessary read for me to reconfirm and reignite my thought process on being the best ME. I have never met Johnny before but he touches on many things that I have kicked around in my own head for years. I will be giving copies to all my close friends and their sons to read. Thanks Johnny!”
-Mila Varadi
“With insightful anecdotes and practical advice, this book delves into the art of personal transformation, guiding readers to unlock their full potential. The author's engaging writing style and genuine wisdom make this a must-read for anyone seeking positive change in their life. It is a true gem that radiates positivity, inspiration, and actionable insights. The author’s ability to weave personal experiences into a tapestry of self-improvement is nothing short of remarkable. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to take charge of their life and design the best version of themselves.”
“I work in the field of Spiritual healing. Johnny covers everything I use and more in this book. Without using the Biblical terms he covers the three aspects of sin: the mistake, guilt and rebellion. The healing process of confession, repentance (changing the Way you think) and forgiveness. His concept of surrender is similar to dying to self in Galatians. Johnny congratulations on a great book.”
-Scott Rowley